Railway Recruitment Board Non Technical Popular Categories RRB NTPC An Overview

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exam.
RRB Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exam will be conducted in the following pattern: The first stage of Computer Based Test (CBT), Second Stage of CBT, Typing Test (Skill Test), Aptitude Test, people who have cleared the examination will have to undergo Document Verification and medical examination. RRB NTPC 3rd phase of the CBT-1 will be conducted from 31st January to 12th February 2021 for approximately 28 lakh candidates.
The 4th phase of the CBT-1 test of the RRB NTPC examination will be conducted from 15 February 2021 to 03 March 2021 for approximately 15 lakh candidates. Candidates will be able to download the admit card of the 4th phase of CBT-1, RRB NTPC exam. RRB NTPC 2021 is conducted to select candidates for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) graduate and undergraduate posts in various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways.
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is going to release the RRB NTPC Result of CBT 1 tentatively in May 2021. Along with the result, RRB will release the scorecard and cutoff marks on the official website. Candidates can check the RRB NTPC Result at the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board ( rrbcdg.gov.in). The RRB NTPC Result will be declared separately for each stage.
RRB NTPC 2021 examination is conducted to fill the vacancies for the posts of Station Master, Commercial Apprentice, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Traffic Assistant, Senior Clerk Cum Typist, Goods Guard, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk.
The syllabus of the RRB NTPC Mathematics section is Fractions, Percentages, Ratio and Proportions, LCM, HCF, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Number system, Decimals, Mensuration, etc. Reasoning and General Intelligence section will cover topics related to Completion of Numbers and Alphabetical Series, Coding & Decoding, Statement & Assumptions, Mathematical Operations, Similarities and Differences, Blood Relation, Analytical Reasoning, Venn Diagram, Data Sufficiency, Syllogism, Statement & Conclusion. The General Awareness section will cover topics related to History, Geography, Current Affairs, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computers, Polity, Static current affairs. If you are looking for some good recruitment poster design make sure you visit PhotoADKing once!!
The educational qualification required from candidates attempting for graduate posts: Candidates must be a graduate from a recognized university and the educational qualification required from candidates attempting for undergraduate posts: Candidates must have passed Class 12. The initial salary of candidates who have qualified for the posts of Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk is Rs 19,900/-. The initial salary for the post of Commercial cum Ticket Clerk is 21,700. The initial salary for the post of Station Master is Rs 35,400. The initial salary for the post of Commercial Apprentice is Rs 35,400. The initial salary for the post of Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Goods Guard, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist is Rs 29,200. The initial salary for the post of Traffic Assistant is Rs 25,500. The salary is as per Seventh Pay Commission for undergraduate and graduate posts.
Apart from the RRB NTPC exam, some of the different exams conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board are Railway Recruitment Board, Assistant Loco Pilot (RRB ALP) exam, and Railway Recruitment Board, Junior Engineer (RRB JE) exams.
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